

Thursday, 11 December 2014


Open that book they call the dictionary
Open it, let me see
A man once told me, the Queen wrote the dictionary
Open it, let me see its royal masterpiece
The English language, I heard is the crème of languages
Open it, let me see
It’s a complete catalogue of words, innit?
Open it, let me see
I learnt, it’s all you need to learn the language
Open it, let me see
Or maybe not the entire language
Still open it, let me see
But then, I am illiterate at the English language
I guess the dictionary will also show me how to read and write it
Open it, let me see
I was told, I would understand it better if I read it upside down
I believe I must have heard this from FELA
Open it, let me see
But He was not a mastery of English
He was a genius, so were Newton, Edison and Einstein
That is by the way
Just open it, let me see
The dictionary will make you more civilized, they said
Please, open it let me see
You will be perfectly noble, a gentleman, a lady
Please! Please! Open it, let me see
It will make you analyse the world better
You must really open it, let me see
The dictionary will make you a better person
Wait! No! Okay! You can keep the dictionary
I am fine with my language.